Seniors and Technology

Technology can be intimidating when there’s so many different products to choose from.  However, technology can also offer a wide range of benefits to seniors. Thanks to new breakthroughs there are many devices and programs out there to help keep older adults safe in their homes. Below we talk about several such devices and apps that can help in the home.


Helpful Devices for Seniors

The most used device by almost everyone in the world is a smart phone. A cell phone/smartphone can be very useful whether it comes to chatting with family and friends or keeping up with the latest news. Besides cell phones/smartphones there are many other devices that can be helpful for seniors.

  • Fitness Trackers – Fitness trackers such as a fitbit or apple watch can provide helpful information such as tracking your heartbeat, steps, monitor sleep, and so much more. 
  • Tablets and E-Readers – Tablets are a great way for seniors to enjoy everything a smartphone offers with a much bigger screen. You can use a tablet to video call with family and friends or play brain games to keep your mind sharp. An E-Reader is a great way to enjoy reading with large, bold text and is much easier to grip than a book.
  • Smart home Devices – A smart home device such as an Amazon Alexa or Google Home can provide convenience for seniors. You can ask one of these devices for the weather, set reminders, and make calls. These are very convenient because all you need to do is ask and they will help!


Mobile Apps for Seniors

If you have a smartphone or tablet you probably already know about apps. If you don’t know, an app is designed for your smart device or tablet and can do anything from games, social media, and health monitoring. You may already know about apps and the fun things they can offer but here are some apps you may not have heard about that can be helpful to older adults.

  • Medisafe – Medisafe is an easy app to use for managing your medication. You can set alerts for when it’s time to take your medication, and keep track of what you need to refill.
  • GoodRx – You may have already heard of GoodRx from your doctor but the app can be very helpful to lower the costs of prescriptions. It offers discounts for your medications and helps you compare prices to different medications available to you.
  • Lumosity – Lumosity is an app that has games to help improve memory, and problem solving. This app is personalized to help with brain training that can be very helpful for seniors living with Alzheimer’s/dementia. 


There are more resources available to seniors than ever before. Technology has come a long way and can be very helpful. There are plenty of places you can find helpful technology, you can try stores like Walmart or Target. Online shopping is another way to find these products, Amazon is a good place to find anything you may need. If you aren’t sure where to start with technology there are great resources online. One helpful resource to get started is SeniorNet ( a non profit which helps bridge the gap between older adults and technology.